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Break away from legacy risk management systems and access our next-generation cloud technology.
Empower and elevate your risk team to drive value with lightning-fast, on-demand analytics that scale and evolve with your firm.
Whether you are assessing pre-trade risk, challenging investment decisions, or enhancing risk architecture, our solution underpins your investment risk workflow.
A cloud-native risk solution delivering on-demand analytics that drive critical decisions, fast.
Efficient, regularly updated, and built on the latest technology to scale and evolve with your needs.
Full asset class coverage, unrivalled data sources, and a complete view of portfolio risk factors.
From market risk through to liquidity and climate risk, the Buy Side Risk Management Solution is a comprehensive, integrated portfolio risk management platform that can help you:
Understand the liquidity risk within your portfolio with access to market leading liquidity data to construct unique liquidity surfaces for each asset. Capture the liquidity risk along three dimensions: time to liquidate, position size and cost to liquidate. Or leverage a comprehensive proxy methodology for issuer level or sector level data.
Combine the qualitative view from Trading Desks with the quantitative output from our liquidity risk model, to ultimately give a firm-wide view on liquidity. Our cloud-based UI also provides on-demand, bespoke reporting along with standard overnight output processes, with support for all relevant regulatory reporting.
Bring climate risk factors into risk management frameworks with a fully integrated portfolio climate risk solution incorporating both transition and physical risk factors.
Calculate market risk using VaR based on Monte Carlo or historical simulations, or position any portfolio sensitivities, scenarios, and stress tests.
Leverage our platform’s turnkey capabilities and project acceleration track-record without sacrificing flexibility.
Get unique insights with extensive curated market and reference data compatible with your internal or third-party data to enhance risk capabilities.
Calculate mandatory risk measures such as VaR, stress tests and Liquidity per SEC 18F-4, UCITS, CPO-PQR, FORM-PF, and AIFMD rules.
Pay only for what you use and lower the administrative burden of deploying and maintaining a risk solution without sacrificing flexibility.
Run stresses and back testing based on historical data, predictive models, and user-defined scenarios to enhance your risk management infrastructure.
Put risk management at the forefront of investment decisions and request a tour of the Buy Side Risk Solution today.